Gospel Literature plays very important role in our entire ministry. Through the Gospel Literature Ministry, we are trying to meet the needs of all people, as follows:We have collected and also purchased some gospel tracts in Telugu and Hindi language. Way of Salvation, What is True Faith, Great Physician, and Hope of Life are widely distributed in many parts of India. The Scripture Gift and operation Mobilization of India, Gospel Literature Tract League and Gospel Tract Society, are supplying the needed tracts to meet our tract distribution needs. We need many more tracts in Telugu, Hindi, Languages.We supply the gospel literature to many of our evangelists for door-to-door evangelism, street rallies, and Bible Study groups etc. Every day, we are receiving many requests from various people in different walks of life for the gospel tracts and other Bible study materials. God is changing the lives through our Gospel tract distribution program.
The wonderful testimonies, which we are receiving every day, will reveal the importance and effect of the gospel literature in India. Please pray and become our Faith Partner to support us to translate & publish the Gospel tracts into our local languages. To supply the needs of our Indian evangelists, we need to print the tracts in large quantity. Please pray for this need. If the Lord inspires your heart to preach the gospel, put it on the paper and send it to us, and with your kind cooperation, we can translate, print and publish the same. We are very thankful to our Saviour because of our God has given us some yoke bearing youth, who are well qualified & experienced in the systematic translation and publication of the biblical & theological literature, into various Indian dialects. Please contact us for more information.