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Pastoral Care & Baptism

Pastoral Care & Baptism

In this position, the common preacher in India will get his daily bread by looking unto God only. If any believer or friend gives any gift, (in form of money, rice, oil, vegetables and even salt also) at the time of his weekly house visits or cottage prayers, on that day the minister /pastor will provide some food to his family members. And the rest of the days, he will spend with hunger, and even could not able to provide the milk to his little ones.This is the main reason, why many pastors and gospel ministers are daring not to go into the interior rural & tribal areas. They get nothing from those villages, although they burn themselves, even to feed the little ones. Hence, many pastors are settling in the urbans only, where they can get even a minimum support to run his family. In this connection, out of our deepest burden about the neglected tribal & rural folk, we are sending our co-ministers to minister among them. But, as we have no other support from elsewhere except from you, how can we encourage them, unless the Lord open His fist through His dear children like you, to support our missionary friends.

We are placing before you the exact picture of our normal minister or pastor in the village/tribal India. If you can please come and see, then you can understand that our co-ministers, pastors are really ministering and suffering in the unreached & unchurched areas, amidst of a many trails and tribulations for Christ. Please remember…many of our King’s Ambassadors are leading a very humble lives, some times without having any food, clothing’s, medicines and even the needed milk for their little ones. You can change the shape of their lives and ministries with your Faith Partnership with us. If the Lord moves you, please don’t hesitate. we will send you the details of a missionary/pastor(s) to whom you can support.