:: Serve to Save ::

Children Ministers

Children Ministers

The recently the Indian national papers had shocking headlines saying “They sell their children for a day’s meal “and once it was “you can get a baby girl for Rs.50/-“ Banjara children were actually being sold for just a few dollars in the market, Boys as field worker/slaves for $ 7-10 in US money, Girls for child prostitution for 10-15 in US money and Babies as child sacrifices to Hindu gods for 7-10 in US money. Virtually there is no Education. That’s why Banjaras are 90% illiterate. Most villages have No schools or education opportunities of any kind. In my village many children lost their fathers and mothers. Some of the childrens parents’ are very poor, and makers of alcoholic, worshiping idols.Our family was the first Christian in this village. Still we are praying for this village people.

S.T.S.M is very much concerned of the poor orphans, semi-orphans and abandoned children and neglected aged widows.It is proving itself as real religion by what the Word of God demands us to do. Presently this organization helping to 25 poor children and orphans by distributing clothing’s, gifts and providing free food and education .It is our great desire  to improve these activities by welcoming generous heartful help from godly people like you.

I assure you that feeding, clothing and providing for 25 orphan” and also to support 10 Native Missionaries. Why it is an exercise of faith, well, the answer is the need of funds.Today I believe God is using me for His work in a mighty way.